Improving Yourself

Improving Yourself

How strange it is that in order to improve ourselves we have to ask the world how we can improve ourselves. Whether you misunderstand me or not depends on your thinking.
However I will surely tell you how to self improve.

Improving Yourself

But I want to tell you one thing first that you can only change yourself, you must have heard that the biggest battle of a man is not with this cruel world but with himself.
It means that you can bring about a change in yourself by yourself, you should adopt this in your life.

In this article, I will tell you 5 such ways by which you can bring about a lot of change in your life.One thing to keep in mind, no matter how many articles you read, even if you read 10 articles daily, you cannot improve yourself until you follow these 5 rules told by me.

Understand the body’s energy

Improving Yourself

Body energy is the only thing that can change your life. It is obvious that our body runs only on energy and we take that energy from nature in different ways. Like by eating some grains, from water, from trees in the form of fruits, from plants in the form of vegetables, from the sun in the form of light. We give energy to our body in such countless ways, here you need to understand that there are 2 types of energy, 1 which is positive and 2 which is negative.

To Improve Yourself, you will have to understand this.

So let’s understand both the energies

  1. positive energy

In simple words, if after eating any food your body starts behaving in a lazy and negative way then that food is not right for you.
Negative effects like feeling sleepy, not feeling like working, not being able to think anything, feeling like postponing work, you can roughly consider these as negative effects. To improve yourself, you will have to adopt this

2.Negative Energy

In negative energy, all that which we have read earlier about negative energy does not happen. In this, your mind starts working fast, you finish your work quickly. And you do not feel lazy at all. To improve yourself, you have to let go of this

Learn to use your body’s energy properly

Everyone accumulates energy in their body, but in which direction it should be used is a very important thing.
When a young boy does something wrong or gets very angry, you must have seen that the elderly people around him say that he has hot blood. Have you ever thought what hot blood means? Hot blood means that there is a lot of energy in his body.
And because of this energy a young boy starts walking on the wrong path.
When the energy from his body starts decreasing slowly, then he feels that in his youth he made many mistakes which he should not have done.
And he thinks about all this in his old age because at this age the energy from his body gradually decreases completely.
So use your energy properly, use it in the right direction, if you do not know what to do, then you can ask other people and learn from them.

Here are some ways to use energy wisely.

1-Read more books:-

If a person writes a book, it takes him 5-10 years and many years of experience is put into that book. This means that if you read a biography of a person, you can learn a lot from the experience of 70 years of his life from a book, which you yourself would have learned in 70 years. So read as many books as you can.

2-Level up Your Skills

Now that you have understood the energy of your body, it is very important for you to understand how to use the energy, for which you will have to keep on learning something or the other all the time, so that your energy will make your brain so capable that your brain will do something explosive with these skills which will change your life.

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